



Simply make your selection by clicking on the "ADD TO CART" button next to the album/albums of your choice.


This will open a PayPal window with your selection/s in your shopping cart.


To purchase more than one copy of an album, change the number in the "Quantity" column and click on the "Update Cart" button. Similarly, if you wish to remove a selected album, click in the Remove check box and then click on the "Update Cart" button.


Once you have finished selecting your albums, click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button on the PayPal page or any of the "VIEW CART" buttons on this page, then follow the prompts on the PayPal site.


Be sure to include your email address as well as the postal address of where the CDs are to be sent.


Once confirmation of your order is received from PayPal, the goods will be shipped directly to the postal address you supply there and a confirmation email will be sent to you.


All transactions are made via PayPal's secure merchant facility to protect your credit card details.






CDs that are faulty may be returned within 7 days of receipt for exchange.


Incorrectly delivered CDs may be returned unopened within 7 days of receipt for exchange or a refund.


Please use the Contact form on this website to obtain authorisation and delivery instructions in either of the above cases.




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